
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


a little bit has happened since I last posted so I figured I would catch you up on the recent goings on:

1. I'm married!!!  [in case you totally missed that] God is so faithful. If you want to learn more about the Lord, his goodness, grace and incredible love, marriage is a great way to do it. Hello sanctification. I have been more humbled and have realized the depth my selfishness more in the past month than ever before. In it, daniel has been amazing and ever so gracious. It is worth the wait to find a godly man. He points me to Jesus daily and his passion for the Lord inspires my own journey. Having 'Jesus dates' has become a nearly weekly highlight. We go off together for hours spending time in prayer and the word, processing what God is teaching us and keeping each other grounded in an ever so vital eternal focus. One word for this. Incredible.

(photo by revival photography)

2. Rumor has it we are moving to NYC in less than a week. I cannot believe it is pretty much august. Where time goes, I have no idea! Daniel got into columbia for grad school (oh my goodness this kid is smarty!!) I never in a million years would have expected to end up in NYC for a season, but God's ways and plans are so beyond mine. The thought for now is that we will spend several years there and then.... well..... God knows :)

(from our first road trip- NYC spring 2012)

3. Can I tell you a little story about the goodness of God?? (i'm trying not to make this blog a million pages... but there is so much to tell!!)  Ok, so we knew around march that daniel got into Columbia and that left me with the question as to what in the world I would be doing. God has been stretching me immensely in the area of work and trusting him the past few years. I selfishly whine about being jerked around and scrambling at the last minute for jobs while daniel's stuff seems to just fall into place. [God knows I need an attitude change in this regard so he keeps placing me in lurch positions. when will I learn?!?!] Anyway, starting late may/early june I began masssssss sending out my resume to pretty much any and all jobs I could find. Two weeks before the wedding my mom causally asked why I wasn't talking about job stuff and I was like 'because it massive stresses me out to think about it' to which she answered 'i'll pray.' Well the next day I got an email from a hospital in the bronx asking me to come interview. I knew I was pretty incredibly booked the next month or so but God opened a free day the week before the wedding for me to fly up with D and scope it out. The interview was horrible. Not kidding. Like bad news bears from the get-go and I foolishly wept that night, asking God why he would open up the door that quickly only to feed me to the wolves. How foolish it was. God knows better than I. Despite the bad interview, he even more miraculously had the hospital offer me a position 2 days before the wedding. I have a job!!!! How silly to doubt the ways of the Lord. His timing is impeccable, not ours but perfect. It's in the ghetto in the bronx which actually excites me more than anything. What a super opportunity for ministry to those people!!

I could ramble about a ton of other things.... lifestyle changes. heart changes. other God things..... but I will save them for new days. the goal is to get a bit more regular with the whole blog thing once again. The prayer and hope is that it is an outlet to challenge, bless and perhaps occasionally amuse you.

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