
Saturday, May 4, 2013


8 weeks until I get to walk down the aisle and marry the man God has blessed me with. So soon. So incredibly far away. It's a bit of a challenge but I am learning so much through the process. There are so many times that the girly part of me emerges and I wish daniel was here... It's the small simple things: holding hands, going to church together, prayer times, walking/running together. I have been learning to turn first to the Lord and keep them both in their rightful place. In the absence of my man, I have been having many more intentional dates with Jesus. It sounds silly, but being a bit of a romantic at times, I find that being intentional about 'dating God' does my heart so much good. These are often complete with coffee, candles and flowers :)  Why not?

As I prepare for marriage, I am learning to a whole new degree what it means to be loved by God. He is the ultimate bridegroom. He longs for us. He pursues us. He wants to court us and get to know us on a deep, intimate level. He is gracious and compassionate. He is tender and loving. He is the best and only one who can fulfill our deepest longings. When I find completion in Christ, I can love my hubby better... and really just live better in general.

In the flurry of wedding details, among the myriad of other life things that have emerged (reminder #1000 to never pray for God to stretch you unless you mean it!!), I am reminded that I need to have a heart like Mary. Instead of rushing and fussing, I need to sit.  just sit. at the feet of Christ and allow him to refresh my weary heart. When I plug into him everything is seen more clearly for what it is and I am able to refocus on what really matters. Hearts matter. Eternity matters. Colors of napkins at a wedding don't matter. :)

At church last week the pastor made a profound statement:

"the desire that holds your heart rules your life"

May that desire be Christ and the advancing of His kingdom.  The rest does not matter. May I go where he sends and not hold onto things or people too tightly. These first world stresses are just that... they are temporary and are distractions from what is truly important. Jesus, take your rightful place-- now and always.

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