
Friday, October 14, 2011

oh africa

so i'm working on the surrender bit. learning to wait. learing to be bare before the lord. it will come, in time.

in the meantime, there has been some fun africa-ness that makes me laugh. it may sound funny, but i was hoping for a more rural/rustic experience here.... we are toooooo blessed at watoto. too many novelties of the US. so God decided that some should break just to liven things up around here!

as some of you know, I seem to have super bad luck when it comes to working bathrooms. every dorm/apartment/etc has had some sort of bathroom disaster. well, suubi would be no exception. the toilet has broken. the water intake valve thing that fills the tank leaks like a sprinkler. thus we have to turn it on only when we need to flush and keep it off when we don't. even when off though, the valve sprays a shower of water onto the wall and floor. we have a bucket beneath it, but still woke to a small flood in the bathroom!! haha. hopefully it will be remedied soon or we shall need to build ourselves an ark!

(see the reflection of the toilet in the shimmering waters below??)

we also ran out of gas for our little cooking stove. uganda as a whole has a gas shortage, so we must resort to a slightly scary microwave or nothing at all to cook our food. needless to say, we have been eating a lot of ugandan ramen noodles!! haha     it has proven to keep things more exciting though and will help me appreciate US food soooooooo much more!!!

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