
Sunday, October 9, 2011


first, i want to apologize for my rant yesterday. i have been letting my emotions get the better of me and need to be careful. i realized that i have been focusing on the wrong things. my frustration with my expectations vs the reality here has been pervasive..... but that will stop. it has to stop.

i was able to go into town yesterday (kampala) which was a HUGE blessing. we also went to the big watoto church. the worship was AMAZING and did my heart so much good. it is thanksgiving here in uganda, ( no, not everyone in the world celebrates it at the end of november :) )  thus the sermon was on giving thanks. the first point though, was about how god hears our cries and knows what is going on in our lives. i love/hate it when the sermon is directed toward me! ha

needless to say, i'm going to work on having a different approach to my time here. i am IN AFRICA!!! it has been the desire of my heart for so long, and god has granted it. the scenery is beautiful. i get to care for orphans, a call straight out of the word. i have been blessed with some great girls here that i get to fellowship with. i am blessed.

i don't need to worry about what i am to do next, that will come in time. my mission now is to enjoy each day that i have been given and work on seeking the face of the lord. i spend so much time seeking his will that sometimes i miss him. if you seek him first, everything else will fall into place. time to have fun in africa!!

my new goal is to post one thing that i'm thankful about here or a bit of african beauty each day --- time to capture gratitude

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