
Thursday, November 8, 2012


"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness" - 2 Peter 3:9

Now this verse, in context, is related to salvation but the truth about the character of God relates to so much life.... Our thoughts and plans are not Gods. His are better. Always. His timing is best. Do we trust this though? When things are going well it is easy to trust God, but when we do not see the plan our natural inclination is to freak. I feel like I have been learning and re-learning this lesson a lot lately. Kinda frustrates me sometimes.... God has been revealing his plans to me in such small chunks this past year... like weeks or months at a time. Why not longer, God? Why must I wait until the 'last minute' to figure out what I am to do next? I have a week or two to make some fairly sizable decisions about the next 7 or so months... I am trying to patiently wait on the Lord, but it is really hard!

I was reading through Isaiah the other day. Awesome book. It was written during a time of chaos and corruption on so many levels. Within the book, there are many verses that people memorize and can spout back but I feel that sometimes their familiarity causes them to loose power. Let's look at one such verse: "Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength..."  I don't know you about you, but for me waiting is exhausting. I try not to stress, but my type A, planner personality does not like not knowing. My mind runs in circles, plotting scenarios, weighing pros and cons, etc..... Although we must be wise and prudent, sometimes we are called to simply wait. If we rest in the fact that we have a good, sovereign God we can actually find strength in the time of waiting and be renewed in him. Crazy!! I was asked the other day about how I will know what the direction is that God has for me and why I don't know yet. The answer is simple. God will tell me when I am to know and for now I am to wait on him. I am convinced that the purpose of this time is character development and trust. Not fun. Not easy. So good.

[Ironically, Daniel is speaking at a middle school retreat with his school this week and the topic he is to speak on is trust. I think God has a sense of humor... :)  ] 

So for now, I wait. I know that plans will come soon and am trying to trust that he does, in fact, know best.  Part of me is going crazy, but the Spirit brings an undercurrent of peace and eager expectation to see God do his thing. When I am nothing and have nothing he can be most glorified.

I will leave you with an excerpt I was given:

"I think there are going to be seasons in our life where we think we have answered the call of God or we have followed him to a certain degree. Something in our life has happened or the call has changed the course direction for us and we find ourselves sitting and waiting. We say, "but God this is what you have called me to do, but just I don't see the end of it. I don't see you right now...." but my hope was in what He called me to do.... I think he just called us to be faithful to wait and remember his words. He will come again. The obedience and the waiting is sometimes more important than what it is that he calls us to do. What we learn in the waiting is sometimes a greater message."  - sons and daughters on 'buried in the grave'

may it not be about me. may it be about Him. 

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